Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Bear with me.....

While starting this blog I was unsure what to put out here, my thoughts and opinions on what? What would I have to say that other people haven’t already said in their own way? I have since determined probably not a whole lot but it will be interesting in the process. :) I will offer up my opinions on occasions but today it will be my thoughts. If you make it through reading this you may wonder "What in the world is this women blabbering on about?" Honestly I am using this today just to make myself accountable. If I say that I am going to do something and the whole world has access to it (not that they will choose to look at it..lol) than I really should make sure that I stick to it. So here goes nothing….

I have been talking to a few of my friends lately and watching them struggle and grow through issues in their lives. Which has made me question my growth of late….I have decided it is time…time to push forward and make some definite changes. Stagnate is getting old, not just for me I’m sure. Tonight I will quite smoke for the 100th and final time. I will be completely unable to do this on my own as I have tried in the past and failed so I am relaying on God to walk me through this. In quitting smoking I will be forced to face all of those emotional things that I tend to side step by stepping back and smoking to forget it, that may sound strange, maybe someone else who has dealt with smoking and quitting will understand the frustration. I also need to find and dedicate myself to a home church. In an effort to keep myself from feeling vulnerable I tend to just show up at different churches on occasion with out committing to one group of people. It is time to find a home and allow God to build relationships between others and me. I will say that as I type this I am already doubting what I am saying and I will have to consistently pray for God to guide me through all of this as my tendency will be to walk away if/when I am uncomfortable.

If you made it all the way through this thanks for listening and I promise to offer more "fun" things at a later date. Enjoy you day and may God walk with you and bless you.

************************************************************************ "LET THE MORNING BRING ME WORD OF YOUR UNFAILING LOVE, FOR I HAVE PUT MY TRUST IN YOU. SHOW ME THE WAY I SHOULD GO, FOR TO YOU I LIFT UP MY SOUL. PSALMS 143:8"


At 7:50 AM, Blogger Doug E. Pudge said...

Well, welcome to the world of the non-smoker. I am a former smoker (along with many other former things in my life) and I have a feeling you will hear from more of us. I tried everything in the world to quit and finally came to the same conclusion that you have come to. Surrender the addiction over to God and become accounatable to others. Remember Phil. 4:13 - "I can do all things through him who strengthens me"! As far as a home church goes, I agree that would be very important. You will build true releationships and find your place of mininstry in God's kingdom. I have prayed and will continue to pray for you today. BBT

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Russell said...

I will also be praying for you! Not a smoker myself, but I have overcome other things in my life and one peice of advice I can give you is don't be discouraged if you fall off the wagon in that one vulnerable moment. Get up, dust yourself off and get back on that stinkin' wagon!! Be vigilant. Pray constintly and you WILL overcome anything!! With God nothing is impossible!!

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Pete said...

You will be in my prayers.. Find someone you trust and ask them to hold you accountable. Not only will it help you overcome your addiction it will make a lasting and better relationship if you have picked the right person..

you are prayed for..

At 12:56 PM, Blogger loved truly said...

Thanks for the support ya'll. It is really appreciated.


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