Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Back up and running...agian

Finally I got this all hooked up and ready to go...I am going to try to attach a pic of my son from football. Hopefully this works. His teams biggest game (in big games for little league...lol) is this weekend. It will decide if they go to the WYB Super Bowl or not. They are all so exicited and you can just feel the competion over this game at practice. It is funny to see how into this they get at this age. Just for the posibility of being called the League Champions, no trophies or anything just a title. If I could only find a way to harbor that excitement and move it into other areas of his life (mine too sometimes)

God bless you all and have a Wonderful Day!!!


At 9:51 PM, Blogger loved truly said...

okay so obviously that didn't work since there is no picture....I will try agian....


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