Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Here is the picture....grade me on a learning curve

Ok - if the picture shows up this time...BT on the Lions (6th grade)....If not I am going to call it finished and get some help before trying again.


At 9:56 PM, Blogger loved truly said...

ok-it didn't work agian...i'll try agian sometime

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

when you are posting, click the picture icon...it's the second to the last from left to right on the menu above where your typing goes. It will bring up a window that says add an image from your computer. click browse, and find the one you are looking for. click upload image, and wait for it to be done. when it is done, click the blue "done" button, and it will return you to your post. Then post as normal and it should show up.

At 3:27 PM, Blogger loved truly said...

I tried that way (twice) I missed something but I thought I would try agian today. Thanks for the help! I will look at these directions when I try.


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