Thursday, December 29, 2005

Happy New Year!!!

My wish is that God blesses you all this year!! Have a wonderful celebration and be careful if you travel.

"Talk" to you all next year! :)


At 12:47 AM, Blogger Kodiak said...

You have a wonderful New Year! Will you be doing any sort of celebrating or partying? We have a euchre tournement tomorrow and are inviting friends over for NY eve. We will be eating our usual country ribs and homemade saurcraut. Enjoy

At 7:54 AM, Blogger Doug E. Pudge said...

May God bless you beyond belief in the new year.

At 4:05 PM, Blogger loved truly said...

Kodiak - My brother was in town so my son and I hung out with him and his wife since we only get to see them a few times a year. We played games all night and watched the ball drop. Then on Monday I got together with another part of my family for pork and saurcraute (sp)and some football. It was very good. I hope yours was too!

At 4:06 PM, Blogger loved truly said...

Thanks Doug - right back at you.

At 1:41 PM, Blogger loved truly said...

Sassy - Glad you all had a good time. See you next Friday! I will be out of town Sunday at my nephews wedding.


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